Srinivas Nallala

Professor of Practice

Email Address:

Mobile number: +919937388446

ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7178-1623

Academic Qualifications: Master of Public Health, Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK , Master of Social Work, Osmania University, India

Research Areas: Health Systems Research, Human Resources for Health, Social Determinants of Health, Tribal health, Impacts of climate change on health, and Qualitative research methods

Number of Publications: 26

A Brief Biography:

Mr. Srinivas Nallala holds an MSc in International Public Health from the Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine, UK, and a Master’s in Social Work with a focus on Medical & Psychiatry from Osmania University, India. He received Wellcome Trust fellowships for his public health master’s in 2009 and a research fellowship in 2012, as well as an Australian Leadership Awards Fellowship (ALAF) from AusAID for a short professional program at the University of Sydney, Australia. With over two decades of experience in public health implementation and research, Mr. Nallala offers a unique blend of practical and academic expertise.


He has collaborated with numerous national and international foundations, government, and non-government organizations, managing a range of public health projects. His expertise includes project design and development, implementation and monitoring, capacity building, supportive supervision, and evaluation of health and development initiatives. He has significant experience engaging marginalized communities and ensuring their participation in public health interventions.


As a Professor of Practice at IIPH Bhubaneswar, he teaches social sciences and health, qualitative research methods, health management, and financial management. His research interests encompass health systems research – social determinants of health, health inequalities among marginalized populations, human resources for health, primary health care strengthening, and the impacts of climate change. He is proficient in qualitative research methods including participatory action research techniques.

List of Your Publications (selected/all)

  1. Nallala, S., Ghosh, U., Desaraju, S.S. et al. Why are they “unreached”? Macro and Meso determinants of health care access in hard to reach areas of Odisha, India. Int J Equity Health 22, 2 (2023).
  2. Patnayak, S., Nallala S., Patel, K. Menstrual Hygiene Management among Specially Abled Adolescent Girls in Rural Odisha of India: A Qualitative Explorative Study. IJISRT, Volume 8 – 2023, Issue 3 – March. DOI
  3. Kadam Shridhar, Pani Saumya, Desaraju Shyamasundari, Rout Sarit, Tiwari Ritika, Chokshi Maulik, Nallala Srinivas, Zodpey Sanjay. Analyzing the effect on performance and motivation of ASHA workers based on the incentive systems on the basis of geospatial context. Research Square. October 24th, 2022. DOI:
  4. SR Pani, S Nallala, SK Rout, S Sundari, M Chokshi, T MokashiA NairShridhar M. KadamEffects of Various Financial and Non-financial Incentives on the Performance of Accredited Social Health Activist: Evidence from Two Selected Districts of Odisha. Journal of Health Management, 2022.
  5. Nanda Lipika, Lobo Eunice, Anilkumar Aiswarya, Akhouri Shuchi Sree, Nallala S. Understanding community perception and disability weights – A qualitative exploration of reasons associated with values in two states of India. Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care: September 2022 – Volume 11 – Issue 9 – p 5140-5147. doi: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_1856_21
  6. Pati S, Sinha R, Mahapatra P, Sahu SP, Nallala S. Management of geriatric multimorbidity in old age home residents: An emerging issue in India. Geriatr. Gerontol. Int. 2021;1–2.
  7. Kadam S, Panda B, Nallala S, et al. Repackaging Primary Healthcare in Odisha: Can ‘Task Shifting’ to AYUSH Doctors Address Human Resources Deficit? Journal of Health Management. 2021;23(3):521-530. doi:10.1177/09720634211035194
  8. Mahapatra P, Pati S, Sinha R, Chauhan AS, Nanda RR, Nallala S. Parental care‑seeking pathway and challenges for autistic spectrum disorders children: A mixed method study from Bhubaneswar, Odisha. Indian J Psychiatry 2019; 61:37-44.
  9. Kadam S, Nallala S, Pati S, Hussain MA, Chauhan AS, Das S, Zodpey S, Martineau T. A study of organizational versus individual needs related to recruitment, deployment and promotion of doctors working in the government health system in Odisha state, India. Human Resources for Health 2016, 14:7. doi:10.1186/s12960-016-0103-1.
  10. Nallala S, Swain S, Das S, Kasam S, Pati S. Why medical students do not prefer to join rural service? An exploratory study in Odisha, India. Journal of family and community medicine 2015; 22:111-7.