Kiruthika Selvaraj

Assistant Professor

Email Address:

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4547-2111

Academic Qualifications: PhD (Nutrition), MSc (Applied Nutrition)

Research Areas: Maternal and child health and nutrition, food safety, food system and nutrition nexus

Number of Publications: 09

A Brief Biography:

Kiruthika Selvaraj is an assistant professor of public health nutrition at the Indian Institute of Public Health, Public Health Foundation of India, Bhubaneswar. With her background in clinical and public health nutrition, she has been a part of various multidisciplinary studies using a mixed methods approach. Some of the notable projects she was involved in include the GCRF- Action Against Stunting Hub and System of Promoting National Dynamism for Agriculture and Nutrition (SPANDAN). Her doctoral research evaluated the role and impact of participation in homestead food production on the nutritional status of children. Through her research, Kiruthika aims to imbibe interdisciplinarity to develop sustainable interventions and metrics to effectively assess and improve the nutritional status of the population. She graduated from ICMR—National Institute of Nutrition, India, with a PhD in nutrition.

List of Your Publications (selected/all)

  1. Selvaraj, K., Mondal, A. and Kulkarni, B., Strengthening agriculture-nutrition linkages to improve consumption of nutrient-dense perishable foods in India-existing evidence and way forward.
  2. Selvaraj, K., Mamidi, R.S., Peter, R. and Kulkarni, B., 2022. Acceptability of Locally Produced Ready to Use Therapeutic Food (RUTF) in Malnourished Children: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Crossover Study. Indian Journal of Pediatrics, pp.1-7
  3. Dasi, T., Selvaraj, K., Pullakhandam, R. and Kulkarni, B., 2019. Animal source foods to alleviate the double burden of malnutrition in countries undergoing the nutrition transition. Animal Frontiers9(4), pp.32-38.
  4. Surendran, S., Selvaraj, K., Turner, C., Addanki, S., Kannuri, N.K., Debbarma, A., Kadiyala, S., Kinra, S. and Walls, H., 2020. Characterizing the fruit and vegetable environment of peri-urban Hyderabad, India. Global Food Security24, p.100343.
  5. Lieber, J., Kinra, S., Addanki, S., Prabhakar, S., Bhogadi, S., Mallinson, P. A., …Selvaraj K, Debbarma A, Deo Sarang & Kannuri, N. K. (2023). Process evaluation of a financial incentive scheme to increase fruit and vegetable purchasing from unorganized retailers in rural Telangana, India (preprint).

UKRI-GCRF Action against stunting hub papers

  1. Davies-Kershaw H, Fahmida U, Htet MK, Kulkarni B, Faye B, Yanti D, Shinta D, Zahra NL, Angelin TC, Madhari R, Pullakhandam R, Palika R, Dasi T, Fernandez Rao S, Banjara SK, Selvaraj K, Palepu DP, Yadev D, Diouf S, Lopez-Sall P, Diallo B, Mouissi P, Fall S, Diallo I, Djigal A, Immerzeel TDV, Tairou F, Diop A, Pradeilles R, Strout S, Momo Kadia B, Tata DT, Jobarteh ML, Allen S, Walker A, Webster JP, Haggarty P, Heffernan C, Ferguson E. Anthropometric, biochemical, dietary, morbidity and well-being assessments in women and children in Indonesia, India and Senegal: a UKRI GCRF Action Against Stunting Hub protocol paper. BMJ Paediatr Open. 2024 Feb 27;8(Suppl 1):e001683. doi: 10.1136/bmjpo-2022-001683. PMID: 38417920; PMCID: PMC10910654.
  2. Banjara, S. K., Challa, S. R., Augustine, L. F., Dasi, T., Madhari, R., Rao, S. F., Selvaraj, K… & Kulkarni, B. (2024). Eggs for Improving Nutrition, cognitive development and reducing linear growth retardation among Infants and young Children (ENRICH): protocol of an egg supplementation trial among children aged 9–18 months in Hyderabad, India. BMJ paediatrics open8(Suppl 1).
  3. Jobarteh ML, Saxena DB, Kulkarni B, Shah K, Banjara SK, Shah PA, Memon F, Chilumula M, Palepu DP, Selvaraj K, Dasi T. Impact of SARS-CoV-2 infection and mitigation strategy during pregnancy on prenatal outcome, growth and development in early childhood in India: a UKRI GCRF Action Against Stunting Hub protocol paper. BMJ Paediatrics Open. 2024;8(Suppl 1).
  4. Cooper GS, Davies-Kershaw H, Dominguez-Salas P, Fahmida U, Faye B, Ferguson E, Grace D, Häsler BN, Kadiyala S, Konapur A,…Selvaraj K…,Kulkarni B. Investigating market-based opportunities for the provision of nutritious and safe diets to prevent childhood stunting: a UKRI-GCRF action against stunting hub protocol paper. BMJ paediatrics open. 2024 Feb 27;8(Suppl 1):e001671.